I-ne strives to maximize corporate value and sustainable growth
by enhancing our management efficiency and transparency.

Corporate Governance

Fundamental Philosophy of Corporate Governance

We regard corporate governance as a mechanism for maximizing corporate value and realizing our management philosophy. Therefore, we will work to build an organizational structure that is capable of making flexible management decisions in response to changes in the business environment, executing business operations, and implementing internal controls and supervisory functions over them.

Corporate Governance Structure

We have established our current corporate governance structure to accelerate management decision-making and enhance corporate value.
For more information, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.

Basic Policy on Internal Control System >


Compliance Policy

Chain of Happiness - Making the world a happier place through our products at I-ne Group, both executives and employees are conscious of our customers’ (clients and end users) activities that are in line with their intentions.
We are passionate about bringing happiness through our products to our customers, employees, business partners, their families, friends, and everyone involved. To bring as many smiles as possible, our mission as a beauty tech company is to deliver happy experiences to customers worldwide.
At I-ne, where we create innovative ideas and products, we have a diverse workforce with various personalities. Some employees may find complicated rules and regulations challenging to follow. However, compliance is essential to ensure that we achieve our number one priority, which is to put a smile on our customers’ faces.
Therefore, we strictly comply with all global rules and regulations while understanding their significance.
While we value the freedom that enables us to deliver great performance and creativity, we must never overlook the importance of self-discipline.
To maximize our MISSION, we hereby declare that we are fully committed to ensuring compliance.

Compliance Policy >

Anti-Corruption Policy

I-ne Group (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”) considers fair trade and competition as one of the important pillars of compliance and declares that in the compliance policy.
The laws and regulations against bribery and corruption, which are major threats to the rule of law and sustainable development in countries worldwide, are strengthened. To maintain the trust of society and achieve sustainable development, we establish a policy and work to prevent all forms of corruption that abuse professional authority and status for the gain of individuals and organizations, including bribery, embezzlement, breach of trust, obstruction of justice and money laundering in Japan and all countries and regions where we do business.

Anti-Corruption Policy >

Efforts to Comply with Compliance

▶Compliance Policy (Code of Conduct) and validation of Anti-Corruption Policy
I-ne Group (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”) will regularly evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the code of conduct and anti-corruption policy with the following operations from FY 2023 and will make improvements as necessary.
1. Annually confirm the number of violations of the compliance policy (code of conduct) and anti-corruption policy.
2. If there are any deficiencies in the compliance policy (code of conduct) and anti-corruption policy based on the number of violations, analysis by the internal audit office, and changes in the external environment, the Compliance and Risk Management Committee will discuss revisions.
3. In the event of revision, all officers and employees of our Group (including part-time workers and temporary staff) will be notified after the Board of Directors deliberates.

▶Efforts to Prevent Harassment
To prevent harassment violations, our Group holds an annual “harassment training” for all Group employees, where they can learn trends and countermeasures to specific cases of harassment. By sharing videos and conducting questionnaires as a review after the training, we aim to penetrate the content from the training and implement harassment prevention effectively.

Internal Reporting Contact

I-ne Group (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”) has established a reporting hotline based on the internal reporting system in compliance with the Whistleblower Protection Act for all officers and employees (including part-time workers and temporary staff).
There are internal and external (lawyer’s office) hotlines, and reports can be made anonymously. This system also covers reports of corrupt practices, including bribery and graft, discrimination, human rights violations, and harassment.
In addition, the whistleblowing hotline ensures the protection of the whistleblowers and their personal information so that they are not treated unfavorably.
When a report is received, the Internal Audit Office investigates with advice from lawyers and other experts, evaluates the matter in accordance with the internal regulations, and the Disciplinary Committee takes appropriate actions.
In addition, the whistleblowing system functions more effectively by reporting all the results from investigations in a timely manner while ensuring anonymity to the Compliance and Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the Representative Director.

There also is a separate hotline for consultations and reports relating to compliance from business partners and other relevant parties.

Internal hotline for reporting and consultation
I-ne Co., Ltd.
Internal Audit Office

External hotline for reporting and consultation
NEC VALWAY Corporation

Hotline for consultations and reports relating to compliance from business partners

I-ne Group (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”) has a hotline to promote compliance to receive consultations and reports from external stakeholders, including business partners and the general public.

If you become aware of any violation of or any possibility of compliance violation by any officer or employee of our Group (including part-time workers and temporary staff), please let us know using the form below.
Reports to slander specific individuals or false reports are strictly prohibited.

Responding Department
I-ne Co., Ltd.
Internal Audit Office

Response to be taken
- We will promptly respond upon confirming and investigating the facts of the report.
- The Responding Department may contact the whistleblower to confirm the contents of the report and to request related documents and data.
- The result of the matter will be reported to the whistleblower as necessary.

- The personal information received from the consulter or whistleblower may be used to answer inquiries and questions and to provide information.
- Please note that in some cases, it may take a certain period of time to respond or may not be able to respond depending on the inquiries.
- The response from our company is for the individuals who consulted or reported. Diversion or secondary use of partial or whole responses is prohibited.

Form for consultation and reporting for business partners

Risk Management​

Risk Management System​

To improve the value of I-ne Group (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”), it is important to pursue management efficiency and control risks arising from business activities.
It is crucial to accurately identify and assess the risks in our business and other areas, prevent occurrence of serious crises, and minimize the impact on our business operations in case of such crises. Therefore, we have established the “Compliance Risk and Management Committee” based on the “Basic Policy on the Internal Control System” determined by the Board of Directors. The Representative Director is responsible for this committee, which serves as the highest decision-making body for risk management and the promotion of compliance directly under the Board of Directors.

The Compliance and Risk Management Committee evaluates activity policies and major risks related to risk management, deliberates on information sharing and establishes response strategies when risks become evident, and regularly reports the situation to the Board of Directors. The risk management complies with anti-corruption policies, including bribery, and other legal matters related to the business of our Group, assesses occupational safety, human rights violations such as harassment, and ESG risks, including the environment, disaster prevention, product quality, and information security.

In addition, the Legal Division oversees the implementation of risk management and has established a system to promote risk management and compliance. This system addresses both the prevention of underlying risks and the response to evident risks.
The Legal Division receives risk management reports from each department, comprehensively understands and assesses company-wide risks, periodically checks the status of countermeasures, and provides quarterly situation reports to the Compliance and Risk Committee. This includes clarifying the individuals responsible for compliance for each case based on the level of importance, monitoring the progress of response plans, and assessing the overall situation.
Furthermore, we conduct an annual risk assessments, which include evaluating the frequency and impact of risks. The results of these assessments are reported to the Compliance and Risk Management Committee.

The Board of Directors oversees and evaluates the effectiveness of risk management through the reporting and deliberation of significant risks in the Compliance and Risk Management Committee.
The Internal Audit Office independently verifies and supervises the effectiveness of the risk management system and response processes.