Together with our suppliers,
we will contribute towards a sustainable society.

Supply Chain Philosophy

The I-ne Group's mission statement is "We are Social Beauty Innovators for Chain of Happiness".
The Chain of Happiness for our suppliers is expressed in the following words:

Chain of Happiness for our business partners

We strive to build a collaborative relationship with our business partners who share the same aspiration of enriching the lives of our customers. Through mutual respect and maximizing each other's strengths, we aim to create a bond that promotes growth and prosperity.
Our commitment extends beyond our individual organizations as we continue to work diligently to pursue mutual prosperity as partners through multifaceted initiatives. This commitment not only benefits our customers, but also our business partners and their families."

Based on the above MISSION, we have established a Supply Chain Policy to raise awareness and promote understanding among new and existing suppliers to pursue the mission throughout our entire supply chain.

Supply Chain Philosophy and Supply Chain Policy >